Jewelry Showrooms in “DUBAI” Value for Customers!
Dubai is often called the “city of gold” due to its meteoric rise to wealth in a single generation, but there could be another reason: as of 2014, 40 per cent and US$75 billion of the global gold trade flowed through Dubai. Much of it goes through the Gold Souk, the largest of the city’s jewellery markets with over 380 retailers.
The price of gold here is determined by three factors: the weight or carat of the gold, the design, and the labour needed to craft the piece, explains Badran. While the carat and weight prices are government-regulated, everything else is negotiable.

Buying gold in Dubai is popular because labour is cheaper and, up until last year, there were no taxes. The new value-added tax has hit Dubai’s economy hard, and the government is considering doing away with it for tourists.
The primary consumers of the precious metal are Indians and Emiratis, says Badran, hence the Gold Souk.
“It is traditional to buy gold in some cultures, for special occasions such as weddings and births, and they do not stop buying because of price changes,” Bhavin Sagar, the owner of Shantilal, a family-run business that is over 50 years old, told The National newspaper in Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates.

For Emiratis, gold often functions as part of a dower or “bride price”, by which the husband and his family pay the bride and her family for the marriage. The dower is also an Indian custom, except in this case, the bride’s family is the giver. Wedding gold suites can get so elaborate and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The Gold Souk is also where the world’s largest gold ring is on display. The 21-carat Najmat Taiba weighs 141lb and costs around US$3 million, and attracts a lot of visitors wanting selfies.

Because Dubai has a long reputation as a commercial and trading port dating back to 1800, the souks of Deira are where the “story of Dubai started”, Dr Hasan Al Naboodah, an Emirati historian, told The National.
Building your brand image
Building a household brand name is every marketer’s prime objective and the first step to that is by creating a strong online presence. Jewelry brands need to focus on the following digital marketing techniques that double up as a powerful foundation for future digital strategies:

Video Digital Marketing:
Videos are a great way to tell a million stories in each frame. Connect with your audience and push them further down the marketing funnel with Compelling Digital Online Videos Begin by creating a YouTube channel and attract subscribers through digital channel that show up on the user’s feed based on the keywords entered. Digital marketing for jewelry brands through videos comes with a lot of creative freedom due to the luxurious and fun aspect of the product. Keeping your target audience in mind, you can create thought-provoking snippets through video campaigns that are guaranteed to draw in more subscribers and build your brand image online.
Influencer Marketing
Nothing is more powerful than an influential source suggesting your brand to a potential consumer. Leverage the power of word-of-mouth marketing through social influencers who have a strong following. Keeping the creative space of the jewelry sector in mind, marketers have a huge potential to tap through bloggers and lifestyle influencers. You can also collaborate with influencer marketing platforms, to hand-pick influencers who resonate with your brand and reach your target audience in a seamless and hassle-free manner.
Digital Marketing Campaign through Social Media
Everyone who is anyone is on social media! Reach the very palm of your target audience with a strong social media presence that draws them towards your brand. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Promotional SMS, WhatsApp messages and Pinterest are great digital marketing platforms to increase the exposure of your jewelry brand. Opt for innovative social media campaigns to create awareness about your brand, promote your products and engage with your followers.